Each edition box includes one single art work:
exhibition copy: mpg4 (h.264) file
archival copy: ProRes 422 HQ file
data carrier (such as Blu-ray, DVD or hard drive)
certificate of authenticity and rights
still photo and/or further bonuses
Excerpt from the included certificate of authenticity:
With the purchase of the work, the owner receives the rights to use and/or present the work in private and in house settings.
In addition, the undersigned hereby grants the owner of the work a non-exclusive license to publicly perform the work for educational purposes and/or for purposes directly related to a presentation of the owner’s collection.
Any other use and/or presentation of the work, in particular for commercial purposes (e.g. rental to other institutions and/or persons or broadcasting), is prohibited in whole or in part.
The owner is not allowed to adapt, modify or otherwise change the work, shorten it or use in extracts.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the owner may make a backup copy of the work for safety purposes and may produce excerpted still images from the work for documentation purposes (e.g. documentation of the work in print and/or online catalogues of art works).
This work is the final version. The undersigned will not make alterations to the work nor allow alterations by others. Further the undersigned will not produce any more copies than specified above.
The undersigned hereby confirms the authenticity of the work and confirms that the work has been created by the undersigned in 2017/2024. The undersigned guarantees that the work is free of property rights and other rights of third parties.
The authenticity is only guaranteed in combination with this document.